<aside> <img src="/icons/leaf_gray.svg" alt="/icons/leaf_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Last Updated: July 11, 2024


Updating offers

It’s now just over a year since I left medicine to follow my curiosity and start working online. I almost can’t believe how time flies when work is more like play than work.

At the moment, I’m revamping my Notion and Tana consulting offers to reflect the growth that I’ve experienced over the past year and for them to be more aligned with who I want to work with.

Writing more

I started writing more last month. It’s is such a nurturing practice for my mind and heart that when I do find myself in a writing flow, I’m grateful and wish that it never ends.

Planning my first solo trip — to India!

This is a huge deal for me and I’m so excited that every time I think about it I scream with joy internally!! There’s a lot that goes into this but at the same time, I want to go with the flow of things and not get too Type A with everything. I know, who do I think I’m talking to, right? haha